Activities of daily living are routine activities that we do every day. They are important to our health and wellbeing. As a professional home care in Langley, we are here to provide you with clues as to when a help may be needed around the home.
When your loved one is no longer able to complete these activities independently, it is important to provide help. This help can come from a family member, a friend, a community resource, or a professional care provider such as Better Living Home Care Services.
What are the activities of daily living (ADLs)?
There are 5 basic ADLs:
Here are some useful questions to ask, and ways to check up on your loved one to see if they are completing their ADLs independently.
Are they eating regularly?
Check the expiry dates on food in the fridge and panty. Use tape and a felt to label pre-made meals with the date it was made.
Are they bathing regularly?
Look for dirty towels in the laundry. Keep an eye on the soaps and shampoos to see if they are being used up.
Are they changing regularly?
Check out their clothing and laundry basket. Take a good look at the clothes they are wearing to see if they looked crumpled or are visibly soiled.
Are they ambulating regularly?
Watch to see if your loved one can stand easily out of their chair. Walk next to them and look to se if they are steady on their feet, or resistant to walking. This may indicate they are not ambulating when alone.
If you are concerned that your love one needs assistance with their activities of daily living, reach out to Better Living Home Care Services. We provide individualized companion and personal care. We happily serve the community of Langley, Surrey, White Rock and Delta. Our trained caregivers can help your loved one stay safe and healthy, wile providing you with peace of mind.